One of the main aims and biggest benefits of the National Wilding Conifer Control Programme is the joining together across regions for coordination of information, resources and expertise to manage wilding conifers.
Information is quickly shared nationally about infestations and the best way to tackle them. Regular meetings and workshops bring together the government agencies, councils, contractors and community Trusts to discuss challenges and share learnings and opportunities.
Control operations are planned within Management Units that can cross regional and property boundaries, with all interested parties connected in through regional Councils. Health and safety management, good practice guidance, policy development, research and education are all supported through the National Programme, led by a small team within Biosecurity New Zealand.
This brings consistency where needed and it means similar work does not need to be repeated from scratch within every region.
Planning is key to a safe and successful wilding control operation, especially when taking on a large area. Before spending too much time or money, get advice from your regional council, contact a local community trust through the Wilding Pine Network or at least learn about the different control methods.
In the National Programme, Councils create local operational plans for each Management Unit (see above) in their region(s) in collaboration with their local partners. That means working with neighbouring regions on shared MU boundaries, and with local project managers, contractors and other experts. This means understanding the landscape and infestations, assessing the best ways to carry out safe and effective control, and estimating costs.
Annual plans for each MU are then discussed with other regions to agree on the highest priorities. Once a final plan for the year is approved by the programme Governance Group, councils then manage control operations and report back on what gets done.
A national database - the Wilding Conifer Information System or WCIS - is developed and maintained by Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand. WCIS holds the information collected and reported by all programme partners about infestations in each Management Unit (MU), and every operation carried out. Data includes the wilding tree species at each site, the control methods used, and other details. This data is used for reporting, and planning the next rounds of control.
Government funding for wilding control operations through the National Programme is distributed through Biosecurity New Zealand to the regional partners – regional or district councils. They in turn work with local groups and contractors to carry out control operations in their region.
Local funding, including cost-sharing arrangements with landowners and in-kind contributions to control work are also managed through councils or through community trusts that do a great job of local fundraising.
Read more about funding of the National Programme and how the partners decide on where to target funding for control work.
Join or start a community group - contact the Wilding Pine Network.
The Wilding Pine Network is a key partner in the National Wilding Conifer Control Programme, working to support community-led efforts to manage wilding conifers (wilding pines). Visit their website to see if there is a group near you, or find out how to start one.
Sponsor community projects and help spread the word – ask us for copies of our information brochure to distribute or download a printable copy.