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Nationally coordinated wilding control

One of the main aims and biggest benefits of the National Wilding Conifer Control Programme is the joining together across regions for coordination of information, resources and expertise to manage wilding conifers.

Information is quickly shared nationally about infestations and the best way to tackle them. Regular meetings and workshops bring together the government agencies, councils, contractors and community Trusts to discuss challenges and share learnings and opportunities.

Control operations are planned within Management Units that can cross regional and property boundaries, with all interested parties connected in through regional Councils. Health and safety management, good practice guidance, policy development, research and education are all supported through the National Programme, led by a small team within Biosecurity New Zealand.

This brings consistency where needed and it means similar work does not need to be repeated from scratch within every region.  

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There is something everyone can do to help with the wilding problem.

Photo of four people in hi-vis puilling out wilding seedlings from tussock


Connect with communities

Join or start a community group - contact the Wilding Pine Network.

The Wilding Pine Network is a key partner in the National Wilding Conifer Control Programme, working to support community-led efforts to manage wilding conifers (wilding pines). Visit their website to see if there is a group near you, or find out how to start one.

Farmers, forest and landowners

If you are looking for help with your own wilding conifer problem, please talk with your regional or district council, or connect with your community.

Be careful when selecting which tree species to plant, and where – check with your regional council before planting any conifer species. This guide - the Right Tree for Your Place, is a good starting point.

Remove wilding pine seedlings and saplings that have established outside planted areas, before they develop cones.

Work with neighbours to control wilding pines that have spread across property boundaries. 


Hunters, hikers and other outdoor users

Pull out small wilding pine seedlings or cut small trees close to the ground. These trees can be left on site to break down naturally.

You should have permission from the land owner or land manager and ensure you have correctly identified the species before killing any plants.

For DOC-administered land, check in with the local office

Cover of downloadable Wilding Conifer ID Guide with link to download



Sponsor community projects and help spread the word – ask us for copies of our information brochure to distribute or download a printable copy